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WG3 Innovative Transport Vehicles Danube (DPC)
File: WG3 Innovative Transport Vehicles Danube (DPC).pdf (Size: 10.95 mb)
Characteristics of transport vehicles operating on the Danube waterway and its tributaries are presented in this working paper. This is followed by an analysis that explains why the main ship parameters of Danubian vessels (length, breadth, draught, propeller diameter) are different from, for instance, typical Rhine vessels. It also discusses the main characteristics of (future) container and Ro-Ro vessels adapted to the Danube waterway. It then addresses new promising devices and components (e.g. sandwich plate system, electrical transmissions with pod and tip-driven electro-motor propulsion).
The paper concludes with recommendations related to the transfer of long distance road transport to the Danube, some suggestions are given for the introduction of punitive instruments to make IWT more attractive, fleet modernization and renewal programmes and scrapping policies.

Author: Gert-Jan Muilerman; Copyright: DPC; Published by: Gert-Jan Muilerman (Muilerman)
factID: 229108.1; published on 27 Jan. 2006 15:02
Structure  >  RELEASES  >  2006-01-31  >  Working Papers