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WG3 Intermodal Loading Units (SGKV)
File: WG3 Intermodal Loading Units (SGKV).pdf (Size: 646.21 kb)
The paper provides a detailed analysis of available loading units (including their dimensions, stackability and costs) used in Europe and describes typical transhipment equipment used and required for these loading units. From the point of view of the inland waterway transport sector, it describes current problems with intermodal loading units (i.e. height, width and stackability issues). The recommendations the paper provides include stowage schemes, use of “long” class A loading units (length 40 feet or more), investment in 45 feet spreaders to comply with the trend towards 45 feet long ILUs, engagement of market parties involved in the ILU standardisation process, development of inland waterway barges with wider holds by shipbuilders, and the promotion of the use of the recommended ILUs. Recommendations are related to the initiative of the EC for a proposal of a EU-Directive concerning the harmonization of ILUs to promote intermodal transport.

Author: Gert-Jan Muilerman; Copyright: SGKV; Published by: Gert-Jan Muilerman (Muilerman)
factID: 229122.1; published on 27 Jan. 2006 15:06
Structure  >  RELEASES  >  2006-01-31  >  Working Papers