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WG5 Education and Training Requirements (Schiffer-Berufskolleg)
File: WG5 Education and Training Requirements (Schiffer-Berufskolleg).pdf (Size: 175.45 kb)
This working paper gives a detailed appraisal of the different education programmes within the IWT sector in the Netherlands, Germany and Romania. Both, differences and similarities are described. Latest trends and changes in education are analysed. The requirements for a European education concept are systematically summarised.
The paper investigates close cooperation with the Employers’ Association of Inland Navigation in order to develop a vocational advanced training concept, commercial aspects related to comparable certification of master craftsmen or technicians, and provides a recommendation for an advanced training structure that includes VHF radio, transportation of hazardous goods (ADNR), advanced technical training in the field of ship operations, engine technology, electrical engineering. It also covers commercial vocational training, that includes cargo documentation, and a basic legal knowledge. Besides these further training possibilities, the paper explore an additional general-education certificate that enables a candidate to pursue an academic university level-qualification.

Author: Gert-Jan Muilerman; Copyright: Schiffer-Berufkolleg; Published by: Gert-Jan Muilerman (Muilerman)
factID: 229143.1; published on 27 Jän. 2006 15:15
Structure  >  RELEASES  >  2006-01-31  >  Working Papers